I believe there's a purpose for everything, and the purpose for Design is to make people's lives better through creative problem-solving.

Welcome to my portfolio, Divine Design.
It is a creative hub where faith meets design, and where passion meets purpose.
I am delighted that you're here and I hope you enjoy my work and you leave inspired to create.
Netflix Pathways Bootcamp
Redesigning the Netflix Non-Member Home Page.
A story of bringing Netflix’s vision to life through storytelling, intentionality, and creativity.
Netflix Pathways Bootcamp
Redesigning the RedCross Donations Page
How my team and I improved the payment process for RedCross donations through emotional design and storytelling.
Priceless Galaxies
A space tourism experience I designed for Mastercard that will be an extension of Mastercard’s Entertainment and Leisure priceless.com website.
I created an experience that proposes the World Elite Mastercard as a ticket to space.
Mastercard Intern Project
I created a frictionless checkout experience that reduces cart abandonment
I leveraged sophisticated authentication methods for quicker checkout
Click to Pay Learn More Product Modal.
I redesigned the existing modal to improve product education for users to discover and learn more about Click to Pay.
I improved the content messaging, readability factor, and visual design.
Highlights: Has great potential of going live in market!